Tirta Gangga Garden

Tirta Gangga Garden

Tirta Gangga Garden is built in the year of 1948 by Karangasem king of Anak Agung Agung Angluerah Ketut Karangasem. Before this garden is built, that in the garden area there are big wellspring, so that local society called this place is embukan means wellspring. This wellspring is functioned by society from the village near by to look for the drinking water and place for having bath or hallowing the god therefore this wellspring is sacrificed by local people. From this wellspring the King of Karangasem get the idea to build a garden which is good from facet of cold air and wellspring suited for made a garden.

Magical Wellspring in East of Bali

Tirta Gangga Garden represent one more majored garden for the place of bath because water go out from very clear wellspring and chilled, causing all tourist swimming in that pool become fit and well. From other side it is own the clear water and chilled, also cold air make this Tirta Gangga is very charming for all tourist who pay a visit to this place. Some building and decoration intentionally be made as according to the spirit from Puri Agung Karangasem, so that between Tirta Gangga Garden and Sukasada Garden which is located in Ujung countryside becoming a union.

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